Sfc will continue discussion with the brokerage industry to identify the most suitable measures for reducing risks of smf 证监会会继续与经纪业商讨,以定出最适当的措施,减低证券保证金融资的风险。
Sfc will continue discussion with the brokerage industry to identify the most suitable measures for reducing risks of smf 证监会会继续与经纪业商讨,以定出最适当的措施,减低证券保证金融资的风险。
Sfc would consult the brokerage industry on the proposed re - pledging limit and assess further the viability and impact of implementing complete segregation 证监会将会与经纪业商讨拟议的转按上限,以及进一步评估实施抵押品完全分开存放安排的可行性及影响。